Sunday, November 30, 2008

We are the one who should change...

Ok... The Mumbai attack and siege chapter is finally over... Now what ?? 

Everybody is talking about the impotency of the Government in handling pre and post "Terror" situations and forcing it to be more vigilant and build some stringent laws to tackle the most significant problem faced by the country currently... Terrorism.

But, is that how its supposed to be ?? Is Government the only institution which requires change ? Isn't it true that people who are a part of the Government are one among us, the citizens of India ?

Is it not true that we, the common man, show our concerns and patriotism only when something of this sort and degree happens ? Don't we get into our normal life cycle of "Work, Earn and Keep your Family Happy" just after few days of such incidents ?

If we are like this, how can we expect our leaders and politicians to be very different from us ? I mean, whatever they portray is just the stronger version of us and our thought process, the "Indian" thought process. A thought process which is resistive to change, defensive and so very adaptable to every situation.

Yes we adapt..!! We adapt to every situation possible. Whether it was the continuous terror attacks in Kashmir including Kargil, 1992 attacks in Mumbai, 2001 attack on Parliament, 2002 attack on Akshardham then in Assam, New Delhi, Varanasi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Jaipur, Ahamdabad and the never ending list continues.., engulfing whole of India into the Terror web. We have just adapted to the vulnerable situation post every attack on our national security and carried on to carry our day to day lives.

Do we forget that the National Security we are talking about here is our own security, our family's security, our friend's security, our neighbour's security, our colleague's security and the security of our loved ones ??

We mourn, complain and shout for few days and then get back to our normal lives, getting ready to repeat all these acts after the next "Attack".

If we want to change India, the change should start from its roots, which is 1,129,866,154 (and counting) people strong.
I feel that each and every one of us share an important responsibility to change India and its thought process...

Ok, now the question is what we can do ?

Ask yourself, how many of us and people we know have spread awareness against Terror and its cause ?
Ask yourself, Do I actually know the cause of Terrorism ?

How many of us public ally condemn the religious attacks being made on different parts of the country ? Something which actually sets up the basis of all these attacks. Something which gives power and confidence to the Terrorists to weaker India and its people.

We must understand that all the Terror Attacks are aimed at only one goal i.e., to spread religious and political instability in India as everyone in the world is aware that religion and politics are the weakest links on which India is united. Breaking these links will actually break India.

Most of India's one billion citizens reside in nearly 600,000 villages across the country -- almost all of which are divided along the same religious lines that divide the country.

When we see/read/hear about any religious violence happening, we actually point fingers to the religious extremist groups present int the country, but we actually forget that they are one among us, they are the one among the billion strong roots of India. 

We need to transform those feelings of religious hatred from the minds of people who form the extremist India.

If only few hundred people can cause this instability and can change the minds of few others to become "Religious Extremists", why can't the rest "Billion" of us can transform them back to constructive, religiously conservative Indians, people who make India stronger by their contributions, not weaken it.

We have to make India a nation that respects and understands the meaning of religious equality, cultural differences and demographic diversities. Its the responsibility of each and every one of us to spread this awareness. Its the responsibility of each and every one of us to change our thought process. Its the responsibility of each and every Indian to act. Its the responsibility of each and every Indian to stop talking or blaming and start doing. If we change, the leaders among us will change, India will change, because we make leaders, we make India.

I am proud to be an Indian and I believe I can make it the best place to live in. I believe "I can remove religious Instability" and "I can eradicate Terrorism" and so can you.

Get united, spread brotherhood, spread equality, spread happiness, spread respect and stop hatred and I am sure the CHANGE we all want in our society, leaders, Government, Nation will follow.

Remember, the change starts from us. If we want to protect our families or our nation, we should change. And its just the change of Thought which is required, and I feel its not that hard, easier than living in a terrified society, of course.

- Abhijeet